Singing Guide: Michael Blanchard

Singing Guide: Michael Blanchard

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Learning to Sing Like Michael Blanchard

Michael Blanchard is one of the most versatile contemporary singers of our times. He has the unique ability to seamlessly blend different vocal modes and create a sound that is both powerful and emotionally gripping. Learning to sing like Michael Blanchard takes a lot of effort, but with the right techniques and resources, it is achievable.


Michael Blanchard has a strong and powerful voice with a wide range, which he uses to great effect in his music. He also has excellent breath control, which allows him to sustain long notes effortlessly. To sing like Michael, you need to build up your breath control and improve your vocal range.

The first step to improving your range is to identify your vocal type using Singing Carrots’ vocal range test. Once you know your vocal range, you can start practicing exercises to improve your control in your register.

To improve your breath control, you need to focus on diaphragmatic breathing. Singing Carrots offers a variety of exercise videos to help you master this technique. Once you have mastered these exercises, you can practice singing with a focus on breath control.

Listening and learning

Michael's music incorporates a variety of singing techniques, but he is most known for his use of voice registers and vocal distortion. To learn how to use your registers effectively, Singing Carrots offers exercises that can help you manage your registers more easily. To master vocal distortion, you can watch the video, "Contemporary vocal techniques: Heavy modal, Twang, Belting."

Michael Blanchard's music also showcases his excellent emotional control. To achieve this, you need to focus on singing with emotion and avoid constrictions. To learn more about singing with emotion, you can read the article "Singing with intuition, skills, emotion, and thinking." Avoiding constrictions while singing can be challenging, but Singing Carrots offers a video called "Avoiding constrictions" which specifically focuses on how to prevent constriction while singing.


Singing Carrots provides a variety of tools and resources to help you as you learn to sing like Michael Blanchard:

  • Vocal range test will help you identify your type of voice
  • Pitch accuracy test can help you improve your pitch and accuracy
  • Vocal Pitch Monitor can help you identify where you might be missing notes
  • Pitch Training is an excellent tool for warming up your voice and improving pitch
  • Song search feature is very useful in finding the right songs to sing based on your abilities and preferences
  • Artist vocal ranges are a great way to learn about the vocal ranges of some of your favorite singers and how to best learn to sing their songs
  • Song-book helps you create a performance set and get linked lyrics, sheet music, chords, karaoke, and YouTube audio
  • Progress statistics will help you track and measure your progress
  • Singing course is a 21-lesson program that covers singing theory and practical tips

In conclusion, learning to sing like Michael Blanchard takes a lot of time and effort, but with the right guidance, tools, and resources, it is achievable. Take advantage of Singing Carrots’ exercises, tests, courses, and articles to master the techniques necessary to sing like Michael. Don't forget that practice is key, so keep singing, and you will succeed!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.